Risk of Stroke Due to High Blood Pressure

Jan 03, 2024


There are several ways that elevated blood pressure might lead to stroke. Stroke is very dangerous as it can cause injury to the tiny blood vessels embedded inside the brain, which can lead to formation of blood clots. It could also increase the chance of a brain hemorrhage-induced stroke. (Stroke Association, 2015)

Types Of Strokes

1. Clot-Related Strokes (Ischaemic Strokes):

Elevated blood pressure causes narrowing, stiffening, and accumulation of fatty material in your blood vessels called Atherosclerosis. Fat regions can become clot-prone, and if a clot gets to the brain, it can result in a transient ischemic attack or stroke.

2. Stroke And Small Vascular Disease-Related Cognitive Issues:

Damage to the minuscule blood vessels located deep within the brain is referred to as small vessel disorders. This increases your risk of having a stroke and may impair your cognitive function. It frequently results from elevated blood pressure. (American Heart Association, 2016)

3. Hemorrhagic Stroke:

A kind of stroke caused by bleeding within or around the brain. Elevated blood pressure has the potential to harm cerebral blood vessels, leading to hemorrhaging within the brain. Referred to as a hemorrhagic stroke. 

Mechanism Of A Stroke

A blood artery supplying the brain can constrict or clog, resulting in an ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Because it isn't getting the oxygen and blood supply that it needs when that happens, a section of the brain starts to die.

A stroke puts your ability to move, think, and function at jeopardy since these functions are controlled by your brain. Strokes can also affect one's eyesight, language, and memory. Severe strokes may cause paralysis or even death. (Wajngarten, 2019)

Symptoms Of Stroke

● Sudden disorientation, difficulties speaking or understanding speech;

● Sudden numbness in the limbs and face, usually on a specific side of the body;

● Sudden issues with one or both eyes' vision.

● An unexpected inability to walk, dizziness, unsteadiness, or lack of direction.

● Extreme headache for no obvious cause. (Mayo clinic, 2022)

How Is The Risk Of Stroke Increased By High Blood Pressure? 

One of the main risk indicator for stroke is high blood pressure. Over time, hypertension affects your arteries and organs and increases the stress on your heart. Individuals with high blood pressure have a elevated risk of stroke in contrast to normal blood pressure. Narrowed or obstructed brain blood arteries that stop the blood supply to brain cells account for around 87% of stroke cases. The inner lining of blood vessels is harmed by high blood pressure. An artery will narrow as a result. (Stroke Association, 2015)

Steps To Lower Their Risk Of Stroke

● Controlling any co-occurring medical illnesses such as diabetes; and, stopping smoking.

● Consuming a diet rich in fruits and veggies that are high in fiber and limiting the intake of specific food categories, such as trans fats

● Maintaining a healthy weight, which can reduce a person's chance of stroke and other illnesses

● If at all feasible, engaging in two hours and thirty minutes of moderate-intense exercise

● Minimizing alcohol intake. (American Heart Association, 2016)

How Is Stroke Diagnosed?

The most common scans are:

• CT scans: which provide 3D images and are more detailed than X-rays.

• MRI scan: this provides a very detailed three-dimensional image and is typically used for patients with more complicated symptoms.

If you suspect a stroke in someone, take FAST action and provide the following test:

F—Face: Ask the patient to smile. Does their face droop?

A—Arms: Ask the patient to elevate his arms. Is thier arm hanging?

S—Speech: Have the patient is saying a brief sentence. Is the speech slurry or peculiar?

T—Time: If you see any of those symptoms, call emergency right away. (Wajngarten, 2019)

What Is The Treatment For Strokes?

Receiving care as soon as possible will help avoid long-term issues and stop another stroke from occurring. The kind of stroke you have will determine the course of your therapy.

● If a clogged artery was the cause of your stroke, Medication to disintegrate blood clots and stop others from forming, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and artery-clogging surgery are common forms of treatment.

● In the event that a blood vessel ruptured, Surgery could be required to fix the injury, drain the blood, and release any trapped pressure. Additionally, you can be prescribed medicine to reduce your blood pressure. (Mayo clinic, 2022)


1. Stroke Association. “High Blood Pressure.” Stroke Association, 4 Mar. 2015, www.stroke.org.uk/what-is-stroke/are-you-at-risk-of-stroke/high-blood-pressure#:~:text=6)%20(2)-.

2. American Heart Association. “How High Blood Pressure Can Lead to Stroke.” Www.heart.org, 2016, www.heart.org/en/health-topics/high-blood-pressure/health-threats-from-high-blood-pressure/how-high-blood-pressure-can-lead-to-stroke

3. Wajngarten, Mauricio, and Gisele Sampaio Silva. “Hypertension and Stroke: Update on Treatment.” European Cardiology Review, vol. 14, no. 2, 11 July 2019, pp. 111–115, www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6659031/, https://doi.org/10.15420/ecr.2019.11.1.

4. Mayo Clinic Staff. “How High Blood Pressure Can Affect Your Body.” Mayo Clinic, 14 Jan. 2022, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-pressure/in-depth/high-blood-pressure/art-20045868.


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