Home Blood Pressure Monitoring: An Introduction

Dec 12,2022


If you’ve been diagnosed with hypertension, or high blood pressure, you understand the importance of monitoring your stats on a regular basis. Tracking your blood pressure at home can help make sure that your readings stay within a healthy range and provide valuable insight into how certain lifestyle changes are affecting your overall health. One of the best ways to monitor your blood pressure at home is with an Checkme home blood pressure monitor.

Definition of Hypertension

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a condition that can cause significant medical complications if left unchecked. Often times, hypertension has no symptoms at all, and therefore can go undetected unless detected through regular medical check-ups. The dangers posed by uncontrolled hypertension include serious implications such as heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and even death. Those who have a higher risk for hypertension should take precautions to prevent the emergence and progression of this deadly yet treatable condition. By making positive lifestyle changes such as reducing sodium intake and exercising regularly, along with regular check-ups with their healthcare provider to monitor their blood pressure level, people can combat this insidious condition and live healthier lives.


Keeping good track of your blood pressure is an essential part of looking after your health. High blood pressure typically does not have any obvious symptoms and can easily go unnoticed, but it does increase the risk of serious health problems from stroke to heart attack. Conversely, by properly monitoring your blood pressure, you can decrease your chances of developing one of these conditions and even improve your overall life expectancy. This makes it extremely important to measure your blood pressure readings often and discuss any abnormal figures with a trusted medical professional. Taking the time to do this could end up saving your life in the long run!

How Checkme Home Blood Pressure Monitors Can Help

Checkme home blood pressure monitors offer an easy and accurate way to track your data from the comfort of your own home. The wireless wrist models make it easy to take readings on the go without having to worry about cables or wires getting in the way. Plus, these models come equipped with Bluetooth technology for connecting with smartphones and tablets for easy data tracking over time. All Checkme products are tested and validated for accuracy, making them the number one doctor-recommended brand for at-home monitoring.  

Additional Resources and Tips for Managing Hypertension

In addition to using an Checkme home blood pressure monitor to track your readings, there are other resources available that can help you manage hypertension more effectively. These include clinical guidelines for diagnosing and treating high blood pressure as well as lifestyle changes that may reduce risk or severity of hypertension such as quitting smoking and exercising more regularly. Making dietary changes such as reducing sodium intake may also be helpful in lowering readings quickly and effectively. It’s also important to keep track of your numbers with a log book or calendar so that you can easily share them with your physician when needed.  


A wide range of lifestyle changes can help to keep a healthy blood pressure.

Physical activity: Moderate exercise can reduce the risk of high blood pressure, and being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure. Generally speaking, to maintain a healthy weight, you need to consume the same number of calories as you eat, and you can refer to your daily diet to set your goals. It's worth noting that if you have any untreated medical conditions, please consult your physician before starting an exercise program. Aim for a healthy weight.

Eat a healthy diet with less salt: A healthy diet can help to lower blood pressure. For example, vegetables, fruits, grains, protein, and dairy can lower blood pressure and are positive for the heart. And as you age and your body and blood pressure become more sensitive to salt (sodium), limiting the amount you eat each day would help.

Drink less alcohol: Drinking alcohol can affect your blood pressure, so reduce your alcohol intake to reduce your risk of high blood pressure.

Don't smoke: Smoking increases your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, and other health problems. If you smoke, please quit. The health benefits of quitting smoking can be seen at any age - Better be late than never.

Adequate and high-quality sleep: Getting enough sleep can effectively lower blood pressure. If you snore or sound like you stop breathing for a moment while you sleep, talk to your doctor and get his advice on how to improve sleep quality.


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